Wednesday, April 11, 2012

And the verdict is....

2 Girls and a Boy!!

On March 16 (18 weeks, 1 day pregnant), Brian and I went to a 3 hour long ultra sound appointment followed by a doctors visit to check on the status of all the babies.  At this appointment, we were also able to find out the sex of all the babies which like I said above, is 2 girls and a boy.  Obviously, we would have been happy with anything, but I'm not gonna lie, I think we were both excited to see that there is a mix in there.  The funny thing was that when the ultra sound tech started the ultra sound, she tried to look at Baby A first to determine the sex, but he/she didn't want to cooperate so she moved on to Baby B.  Baby B cooperated and is a GIRL!!  Then she moved on to Baby C and after a few minutes, we were able to get a good view and see that Baby C is a GIRL too!!  This is the point where Brian started to sweat I think...I also think he said something along the lines of, "Well, that's two weddings!".  Haha!  Since there's so many babies in there, I sometimes get confused at which one I'm looking at on the really is like a cluster of babies in there and it's super easy to get lost and not know which one is which!  Anyway, like I said, I get kind of confused about what baby is where, so when the ultra sound tech went back to Baby B, when I thought she was looking at Baby A, I looked at the screen, noticed it was a girl, then looked at Brian and said, "It's 3 girls!".  I seriously think he almost passed out...he was convinced that there had to be at least one boy in there!  Fortunately, the ultra sound girl heard me and interrupted saying "No, no, no!  This is Baby B...there's still hope for a boy!".  Luckily, this time Baby A decided to cooperate and wiggled around so we could get a good look and what do ya is a BOY!  Here's some pictures from the ultra sound!

Hand in front of his face!

 That's better!  It looks like his head has a whole in it which is kinda true...that's partly where the soft spot is and partly because he was pushed up against the uterine wall.

 All the organs and a good spine for Baby A!

 Baby B - Little Girl!


 Baby C being shy...

All 3 have wonderful looking 4 chambered hearts!

All three of our little this point there were all about 9 ounces and about 6 inches from crown to rump!

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